Armatus 2 years ago
Same nazi **** with "black sun" insigna
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    The only international journalists who confirm those things, are journalists who have taken part in russian propaganda for years.

    And once again, don't get me wrong: I don't *trust* Ukraine to be honest either. The difference is that Russia is visibly, actively hiding the truth under heavy propaganda. Ukraine might not be 100% honest (just like most governments), and I am wary of their "war of communication" because their president is really good at taking advantage of the situation,
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    but as a matter of fact, what Ukraine says is verified (or countered) by independant journalists from basically everywhere. As far as I know, Ukraine didn't try to sue Wikipedia for not propagating their disinformation, while Russia did. Once again, I don't believe that governmental speeches are to be trusted, but in this case, Russia's narrative is much less trustworthy than Ukraine's, due to its permanent manipulative behaviour and constant lies.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    And if you are worried about human rights, it might be good to wonder why Russia is so hateful against most minorities, instead of trying to defend them for "fighting nazis".
    There is a lot to improve in Russia already, no need to invade other countries yet.
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  • Armatus 2 years ago
    > Ukraine didn't try to sue Wikipedia for not propagating their disinformation
    it's because it's property of Wikimedia, that pro-ukrainian, like most EU news agencies.
    Many countries in the world ban or restrict wiki for false information.

    About human rights, Assange kept in prison for what reason?
    Does he really have a proper rights?
    (Snowden flee to Russia to avoid the same)
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  • Armatus 2 years ago
    About conflict:
    There are 8 years of killing russians in Donetzk region. Ukraine refuse to implement "Minsk agreements"

    if any nearest country kills so many french, will France react?
    Do they protect french people (some of then has french citizenship)?

    (I do not take NATO into account in this example)
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  • Armatus 2 years ago
    I knew about at least one journalist from TF1 (france)
    but cannot find his reports in EU media...

    There are few journalist from EU in Donetzk (less than 30 in 8 years)

    Found this one for you.(in eng)

    Can you trust ENG journalist and local witnesses he found?

    it's a video from 2021, about shelling civilians
    Long before conflict.

    he has also a most re cent videos about conflict.
    (Please look at them, if you don't trust officials - trust the locals)
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  • Armatus 2 years ago
    Do you see any of this in EU?

    In Russia we have plenty of information about (in Russian),
    but we can't see any of it on EU media.

    It's strictly one-sided. ukrainian and NATO sided.

    (i have a relatives in Donetzk, who suffers from ukrainian this 8 years)

    Look what locals talks, they have no reason to fool you.
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  • Armatus 2 years ago
    about using internationally restricted munition by ukrainian
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    Wikipedia is property of people who make it. That's its strength. France has tried to condemn wikipedia for showing certain information, as a result wikipedia told the government to fuck off and they did. I refer to wikipedia because it's one, if not the most independant media out there, because it is based on sources, not on opinions. Thinking that every media who isn't spreading Russian propaganda is "pro-ukrainian" is naive.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago

    And yes, Assange and Snowden show that human rights are a concern everywhere. What I said is that Russia already has a lot to handle in their own country, before they can justify trying to fix other countries. And well, Assange isn't exactly the same as, let's say, gay execution camps in Russia. The intensity of human rights violations isn't exactly similar.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    Killing russians during an armed invasion by Russia doesn't seem so incredible. If France sent military to invade another country, and they got killed, I would say that they deserved it.
    And if it is about possible war crimes committed by Ukraine, as I said, I'm pretty sure that those exist, yes. I never said the contrary. Doesn't excuse Russia no matter what.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    Once again, Patrick Lancaster is a guy who only exists through pro-Russia speech, with a slight conspiracy theory theme, saying that he shows "the stories that the Main Stream Media ignores". Moreover, the videos you sent don't show any evidence of anything, he just shows random things and says "this is done by Ukraine". Maybe it is, maybe it's not, but this guy isn't be a serious source to tell.
    Also, this wasn't long before the conflict, as the conflict started in 2014.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    But back then it looked like a sort of "small war", not a full-sized one as it has become now.
    As a side note, I don't "trust" anyone, locals or officials. That's the point, I doubt information as much as I can to find out what holds and what doesn't. That's why I also said that I have doubts about the honesty of Ukraine's government, as they might do what they can to take a political advantage in the situation - understandable, but still not honest.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    I found stuff about journalists from a bit of everywhere getting killed during the war, I didn't see anything about a French one though. But it's possible, I don't really see the point. And many of the journalists there are anti-Russia, including Russian journalists who had to flee the country due to many journalist groups being considered "terrorist organisations" by Russia. Surprisingly, those don't say that Russia is right.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    But the thing is that it's not one sided. In Europe and the USA, many media will try to oppose the "mainstream" opinion as soon as they can, and there are many pro-russia journalists and such. The thing is that with this war, it's basically impossible to defend Russia anymore; it was complicated but possible in 2014, but now everyone sees that this is unjustified and simply wrong. That's why it seems "one-sided", because even people who would like to be on the other side, can't do it honestly.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    It doesn't mean that Ukraine is perfect, far from it (there is a "Human rights in Ukraine" wikipedia page too, don't worry), but nothing can justify this war, and that's why Russia is considered to be wrong in basically all places that defend human rights or freedom.
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  • Armatus 2 years ago
    Wiki: point taken
    it comfortable to mark any source from other side as state propaganda.
    any witnesses, local people may be marked as pro-state and ignored by EU.

    from 2014 to 2022 there are more than 5500 cases in European Court of Human Rights.
    (from Donbass civilians, about ukrainian atrocities)
    Not a single one is resolved, simply ignored by officials.
    it's convienient, right?
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  • Armatus 2 years ago
    There are no Russian troops on Donbass before 2022.
    There are list of captives from both sides to exchange in 2015 and 2017
    (only ukrainian citizens, so it's a civil war. if russian was in masse
    in Donbass, it must be a russian captives too)
    I agree that number of volonteurs take part in the conflict from 2014,
    but army of DPR consist of donbass people (people's militia of DPR)
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  • Armatus 2 years ago
    That's also the reason why ukrainians does not attack crimea
    (where actual russians stays), but attack LPR and DPR,
    where live their own citizens (They does not accept independence of this regions).

    I accept that there are support from Russia to Donbass.
    But there are native russians, who blocaded bu ukrainians and we cannot leave them to die.
    (Support both in food and munition)
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  • Armatus 2 years ago
    If someone kills native french civilians - i think France will react.

    We simply protect people, who blocaded, treated as a subspecies and mass killed.
    There are several mass graves in ukrainian controlled region, liberated last 3 months.
    Local witnesses helps us find them.

    If blocading, starving to death and killing people by nationality
    is not enough reason for you, then you simply support ukrainian homicide of russians in Donbass.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    The problem is that witnesses are not solid proof. I try to follow the ideas of skepticism, and witnesses are nothing more than "trust me bro" level of trustworthiness. And that's the case in both sides. The thing is that when it comes to journalists (who are supposedly professionals), the only ones I've seen who defend Russia are journalists who have kept on spreading propaganda and pro-Russia speeches for years, and I'm sure you understand it makes them untrustworthy on this subject as well.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago

    The link you sent comes from a Russia-owned news company which is quite strongly biased (they apparently even published an article announcing the victory of Russia on Ukraine, announcing that "Ukraine has returned to Russia"), so that's not exactly a reliable source either.
    From what I see, there were quite a few Russian troops before 2022, you can try calling it Ukrainian propaganda but I don't really see the point.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    There is quite a detailed list on wikipedia as well, stating things such as "On 24 August 2014, Amvrosiivka was occupied by Russian paratroopers, supported by 250 armoured vehicles and artillery pieces.", "On 25 August, a column of Russian tanks and military vehicles was reported to have crossed into Ukraine in the southeast, near the town of Novoazovsk located on the Azov sea coast, and headed towards Ukrainian-held Mariupol".
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    The thing is that the Ukrainian government back then was quite dubious as well, doing and saying a lot of dubious things. And I agree that civilians, no matter their origins, shouldn't be affected by military conflicts. If civilians have been killed, it is a war crime or so, and the culprits should be held responsible, I'm not denying that at all. But this isn't the reason of the Russian invasion at all, and it doesn't justify committing war crimes against ukrainians as a "revenge" either.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    War is never "right", it's always about murder and violence, you can't justify violence by violence.

    As for France, as a matter of fact it doesn't react, because the status-quo of "peace" is seen as more important than individual lives. When french people are killed in other countries, France will say that it's very bad and sad, but that's basically it. Which isn't really efficient either.
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