Deavmi 2 years ago
#I2P is a very important project for me for maintaining one's civil rights. If you need to get information that is being censored then I2P can help with that. Want to start selling your homemade drugs? Then I2P can help with that. Firearms? I2P.

I2P is a true tool for liberty in life and economy (I'm also a fan of #Monero).
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  • Deavmi 2 years ago
    You are your first responder
    • -2
  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    If you take the UK, as an example:

    In 2019, the amount of offences including firearms was around 0.2%. Doesn't seem like most criminals "have guns anyway".

    And I'm extreme when someone is saying that people should do whatever they want, even killing others, if they think that it's "fair", yes. Because that's a dangerous speech.

    But I agree that I2P is a great tool
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  • Lnxw37 2 years ago
    At this point, you're both taking fairly extreme positions. It may be best to admit that you're unlikely to agree and go one from there.

    I do think that #I2P and #Tor can be very useful for privacy reasons, I'm not necessarily a fan of selling the mentioned items online or of #Monero, but I can agree that I2P can have a place in our toolkits.
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  • Lnxw37 2 years ago
    > Most criminals don't have guns, except where guns are legal

    I'd like to see some evidence to support that. It seems to be contrary to the daily news.

    One doesn't have to go full on gun nut to realize that guns can be useful in resisting crime. In every society, if you kill someone that is committing a crime against you, you still face examination by the legal system to ensure your act was justified. Law enforcement is our first line of defense, but not the only one.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    Most criminals don't have guns, except where guns are legal, that's one thing.
    And in a society (as in, not a chaotic anarchy), crimes are fought through law and, arguably, law enforcement. If you kill a criminal, your place is in jail. And I don't know where you heard that chaos could fight chaos, but encouraging people to decide instead of the law just creates a neverending murder spree, where everyone wields "justice" as a reason. It doesn't work.
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  • Deavmi 2 years ago
    Have you fired a gun before?
    • -1
  • Deavmi 2 years ago
    > So you're saying guns are a good solution against murders.
    > What you're describing isn't liberty, it's chaotic anarchy.

    Criminals have guns anyways, chaos is fought with chaos (whatever that means, I don't see how machine gunning down a rapist is chaotic as compared to them raping people but okay)
    • -1
  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    So you're saying guns are a good solution against murders.
    What you're describing isn't liberty, it's chaotic anarchy.
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  • Deavmi 2 years ago
    Yes, firearms are used to kill people. It would have been nice if we shot those two bastards that raped and murdered my grandmother.

    Thankfully the gun control debate is over, you can 3D print firearms and the load bearing metallic parts can easily be sourced. Liberty is unstoppable now.
    • -2
  • Lnxw37 2 years ago
    I think #I2P is an interesting concept, but I've never seen anything there that interested me. Maybe because I'm not looking for drugs, sex, and firearms (I never saw anything about guns there). I prefer #Tor.
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    I'm not putting words in your mouth but in mine.
    If you want to buy or sell things for fun that are basically designed to kill people, I consider that stupid, yes. Selling drugs is stupid, selling firearms too, and you're giving I2P a crappy image tby pretending that it's the good side of it.
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  • Deavmi 2 years ago
    Where's the stupid in homemade drugs, firearms?

    You're putting words into my mouth
    • -2
  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    It's like advertising knives saying "knives are really useful, you can stab people and cut their corpse into chunks fitting your fridge". Sure, it's a possibility, not exactly the best one though. Freedom doesn't make it good to do stupid things.
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  • Deavmi 2 years ago
    Liberty is no joke
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  • Stolensoul 2 years ago
    At this point it's hard to tell if this is sarcasm or not.
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