Gespenstr 4 years ago
I'm seeing a lot more heated and heavily #political posts around these parts. Usually #Pjuu is really chill and relaxed, but I guess that has changed after recent events?
I'm hoping this doesn't become a regular thing. We already have huge major sites to have people squabble about whether they like #Donkeys or #Elephants better.
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  • Stolensoul 4 years ago
    I guess it's partly my fault, but to be honest I don't really enjoy seeing this place polluted by those things that usually stay in the "dirty" places of the internet. I don't know if there is actually a good solution to this, as diplomacy doesn't work with people just looking for a fight.
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  • Gespenstr 4 years ago
    @Stolensoul I'm using euphemism, but that's pretty much what I'm talking about. We've had political discussion before, but it wasn't anywhere near the heated, combative stuff I'm seeing recently. No ideas are being shared, no comment on the human condition, just pure sports team hyperbole.

    I don't want to be aggressive and cause the atmosphere to tank more, but it's disheartening seeing angry Twitter-style posts here.
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  • Stolensoul 4 years ago
    It was chill before some people came to spread beautiful things like racial extremism and such. It's not even political, just hate speech.
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  • Kikikikikiller 4 years ago
    We'd not like to discuss politics, but we have to after what happened
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