Maxxcan 3 years ago
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  • Stolensoul 3 years ago
    The problem is that the correct way to draw the conspiracy theory one, would be the same as the "wisdom" one, but simply with a different starting point and/or path.
    Most conspiracists (well, it depends on the kind of conspiracy, obviously) aren't dumb or insane, they just had a different environment.
    Most people *believe* that earth is a sphere, but they don't know why, and it's not much better than believing it is flat.
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  • Gespenstr 3 years ago
    I'm not so sure about that. One thing I often notice about conspiracy theories that really sets them apart is the presence of some kind of big bad antagonist. An issue is never a matter of coincidence, nature taking its course, or even the element of human error. It's often some kind of complex plan by a shadowy cabal to control people for whatever reason.
    A good example is the snowstorm in Texas. People who didn't know how snow worked thought it was a conspiracy by Bill Gates.
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  • Stolensoul 3 years ago
    Conspiracy theories are insidious. They usually follow a logical reasoning - a flawed one, but still.
    People think Bill Gates is part of conspiracies, because:
    - Powerful people have been known to do "evil" things
    - Bill Gates is rich, powerful, and "reaches" a lot of areas

    People fall into those theories a bit like in sects, and in both cases it has little to do with intelligence. It's mostly about "sliding" little by little into self-confirmation. The real problem is humans' flawed brain.
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