
  • Sigg3 5 years ago
    There's a big #NATO exercise coming up. I should think this is why.

    I grew up 30 minutes from a big army base in northern Norway, and it was commonplace to see military vehicles and weapons. As a child it was exciting, and sometimes we'd get chocolate from the soldiers. As a teenager it was hard getting chicks though, since they would aim for army boys (foreign or domestic) for one night stands.. :/

    (Usually foreign troops were orderly and polite to civilians. The exception being the British.)
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  • Armatus 5 years ago
    Finnish people are very happy indeed.
    Also don't forget 5000 new tanks from USA (planning to place in latvia, poland and so on)
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  • Kevinmc 5 years ago
    The US have the most military bases in and around the world than anyonther nation. They have bases and centers hidden in caves, mountains, underwater who knows where else. They moved missles to the turkey border in the 1962 aimed at russia. Forcing Russia to counter measure by installing base and weapons in Cuba. This almost led to WW3 a possible nuclear holocaust. This became known as the Cuba missle crisis or the October Crisis of '62. Now we have US and N. Korea to deal with.
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