
  • Johnnynull 6 years ago
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  • Stolensoul 6 years ago
    It's sad, but people who aren't useful for society shouldn't live. That's the point of society. And considering the earth's state, having people who aren't useful, but consume resources isn't acceptable. Life is hard, but that's how it is meant to be.
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  • Shalimar 6 years ago
    Do you think people without a job should die? No labor - no eating?
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  • Johnnynull 6 years ago
    Everyone is *able* to. Do you think you should get paid for simply existing?
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  • Shalimar 6 years ago
    Don't you think everyone should earn enough money with his job to live a basic life after western standards?
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  • Johnnynull 6 years ago
    "I have a job meant for children. I stay there. I don't move on or improve my situation. Feel bad for me."
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