Shalimar 6 years ago
Who believes that his #government wouldn't let him disappear, if he were really inconvenient for the ruling #elite?
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  • Mukt 6 years ago
    My government has come up with Aadhar, a number tied up with every resident's identity.

    The grand plan is that we'd submit Aadhar number with fingerprint everywhere, or almost: with the bank at the time of opening the account, with the school/college at the time of taking admission, with the telephone company when you buy SIM, with the cooking gas company, with your employer, and so on.

    Disappear? Lol.
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  • Shalimar 6 years ago
    Sounds like the perfect Orwellian dystopia @mukt. Why are politicians so silly. This system gives them power and control but it is poison for protest of the people and change. The perfect police state. The future could be like north Korea 😱
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