Shalimar 6 years ago
The #country is divided and #Trump is not the right #President to unite it :(

I really don't know how to rate the video. Should I give a like, for good that #Vice has documented this #bullshit or a dislike for I #hate #AltRight?

What I really don't understand is, that racists always think, that their bullshit is free speech. At the same time, they knock everyone down, who disagrees with them.
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  • Stolensoul 6 years ago
    But education is corrupted by politicians. At least where I live. Mentalities gave to evolve before that
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  • Shalimar 6 years ago
    Education could solve this problem.
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  • Stolensoul 6 years ago
    The root of the problem is and will always be stupidity. Trying to fight the effects is useless if you don't fight their source.
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