Armatus 7 years ago
What language is your native?
mine's russian.
всем привет!
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  • Sarah 7 years ago
    same @bouncyballboy, I would love to know more languages, I can get by in French, and know a small amount of Spanish from evening classes, but it would be great to be fluent. the older you get, the harder it is to learn!
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  • Bouncyballboy 7 years ago
    I am a native English speaker but the comments preceding mine are what I expected, more or less. English and French have become international languages of the world so I expect most nations have teaching one or both of them in their education curriculums. I wish I knew more languages myself, though.
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  • Ldgc 7 years ago
    Mine is portuguese ;) In Portugal we learn english at the age of 10 and french at the age of 12. English is the one that I understand better ;p
    Also I'm starting to learn japanese on my own, because I love their culture and language :3
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  • Armatus 7 years ago
    most of russians learn only one additional language at school and later in the university.
    usualy it's english, german or french
    but some schools (~15-20%) gives 2 languages at once
    my wife got english and french

    i'm frequently using english
    have a B1 in Esperanto
    and minimal levels of German and Croatian/Serbian
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  • Joe 7 years ago
    I'm the same as @sarah. I know I tiny amount of German and am hoping to learn a lot more. Just need to get some time 😀
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  • Sarah 7 years ago
    mines English...not surprisingly! sadly, in England, schools aren't as good at teaching other languages at an early age-I was 11 before I even began learning French, and that was my only choice! things are improving and they're starting to teach languages st school and even nursery/kindergarten 😃
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