Ant 8 years ago( he's the one who found that the trump org mail server was a bit on the shit side )
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Ant 8 years agothis guy basically just said the same thing: 1
Ant 8 years agoalready done :P
But it becomes difficult to manage though
Trouble is for some of the sites they are relying on a single provider for their dns so drop that and you've dropped the site
not looked in to this properly but it would be nice for you to run your own master some place then have multiple providers acting as slaves.
Last time i looked at this the dns service providers also wanted to be masters so then you couldn't use two providers at the same time- 1
Ant 8 years agoits effecting a ton of things
pagerduty etc
they all back on to a dns service called "dyn" or something
odd how they all seem to have been sunk so easily though- 2