Joe 7 years ago
I'm nervous now. Hope this doesn't blow up in our faces.
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  • Mrprole 7 years ago
    @Dawn, @Lewisb, In my opinion it could be domino effect. I think there is only one country that will have profit from weak and disorganized Europe.
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  • Joe 7 years ago
    I am not sure it has anything to do with the TPP. We also don't use the Euro currency here. So there would be no change there.

    Things are just falling on the markets at the moment so we need to wait a bit to see where that leaves us and if they recover fully.

    Other than that no one has a clue what is going to happen. It's never happened before within the EU. My feeling is that it won't be good. I doubt we'll get good terms on an exit to try stop other countries leaving.
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  • Johnnynull 7 years ago
    Your comment was the first I'd heard about this. I then had one post pop in my feed reeder, and it sounded like the person was whining. The whole "things are super bad", when the objective truth is that it's the best time to be alive in terms of wealth, stability, etc.

    Think this has anything to do with TPP?

    Are you still going to be on the Euro?
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  • Joe 7 years ago
    @lewisb I'm not sure. They'll have a good benchmark at least in us over the next few years. I think we need to see what gets said over the next few days and what happens to the pound but it's not looking good.
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  • Dawn 7 years ago
    Dutch anti-imigration leader is calling for a referendum now to leave the EU....
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  • Lewisb 7 years ago
    Only time will tell, Do you think any other countries will follow the UK?
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