Joe 9 months ago
Morning all,

Again, I'm trying to make time to work on re-writing Pjuu in an effor to re-kidle my love for working on it.

A lot has changed on the web since Pjuu was written. I have some questions and your feedback would be appreciated. Questions in the comments.
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  • Curioustob 9 months ago
    I say go all in on modernization on the technical end while keeping a simple model. Most people don't use older browsers anyway; I personally think that JS can be replaced by WASM but I do not know if it would be worth the effort to you personally.
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  • Pietlu 9 months ago
    now, i understand what's meant with post limit x)
    i assumed, it's the amount of posts you could post in a specific period of time...
    but it's just the amount of characters in a single post ...

    well, i think 500 is enough
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  • Tucumano88 9 months ago
    About questions

    (1) would be nice as optative
    (2) it's possible that still works. In opera for Symbian works. If it's necessary drop support
    (3) someone would like...I don't know markdown. Would be nice to increase post lenght
    (4) totally yes, would love it
    (5) yes, would be nice in chronological order

    Plus: dark mode would be nice too
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  • Joe 9 months ago
    Thanks for the feedback @lnxw37 and @pietlu.

    @Pietlu, dark mode is a good point. A modern CSS framework will help me here.

    @Lnxw37, happy you said about Javascript being an optional extra. I think I misworded what I meant. It would always be optional it just some things may need to be disabled.
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  • Lnxw37 9 months ago
    To (4), I'm in favor of Fediverse connectivity if it is accompanied by some stream curation tools. We have no idea what offsite content may contain, so it must be possible to filter it.

    To (5), reverse chronological equals new posts on top and older ones on the bottom? If so, that's definitely the best default. Though comments should be oldest at top and newer ones at the bottom. I'm okay with giving people other sort options. I just think these should be the default.
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  • Lnxw37 9 months ago
    To (1), I prefer if JS is an optional enhancement. The site should work without it, even if it works better with it. To (2), a modern CSS framework is a good thing.

    To (3), I personally dislike Markdown, but I do favor some limited text formatting in both posts and comments. For that, MD or BBCode or Textile are fine. Longer posts are also fine.

    Be aware that people tend to confuse MD link syntax, so if allowed, post editing will be needed.
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  • Pietlu 9 months ago

    To 4)
    That would be awesome as well. I mean, it would open up Pjuu to a bigger audience, and maybe, I would be more active again here, if my posts would reach out to my audience in the Fediverse/Mastodon.

    To 5)
    Imho it isn't really confusing, it's just different. And I kinda like this order. I would keep it. Might be a unique feature ;)

    Other idea:
    Dark mode :)
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  • Pietlu 9 months ago
    To 1)
    I really like the fact that Pjuu doesn't require JavaScript, but yeah, I defo wouldn't mind, if it will do so in the future.

    To 2)
    Supporting EOL software for too long is always a pain in the ass, and imho a waste of effort. Drop it.

    To 3)
    I didn't know until now, there's a posting limit in the first place. Well, you may keep it, i guess. Markdown would be awesome!

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  • Joe 9 months ago
    If you have any other ideas for Pjuu I would love to hear them.
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  • Joe 9 months ago
    5. Post ordering, posts by default are orders in reverse chronological order, this is confusing. We would change it chronological.
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  • Joe 9 months ago
    4. Should we support ActivityPub and the Fediverse?
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  • Joe 9 months ago
    3. Would you be happy if we massivley increase post limit and allowed some Markdown?

    We would dive deeper in to this, for example, what Markdown would be allow? Would mark down be allowed in comments.
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  • Joe 9 months ago
    2. Are you happy if we drop support for older browsers?

    Maintaining older browsers is painful, Pjuu probably still works in IE8, IE is long dead.

    This would allow us to use a CSS framework to help with the styling, probably TailwindCSS.
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  • Joe 9 months ago

    1. Are you happy for Pjuu to use Javascript by default?

    Pjuu currently doesn't require it which impacts the way it's written and means all functionality needs to be considered twice. This isn't a game changer.
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