Johnnynull 7 years agoGreen: No. It's my favorite color, but I won't be sad if it changed.
Defining characteristics of Pjuu? Simple, slow (in traffic, not usage), not Lefty, mostly casual discussion. The privacy aspect, of course. Though many post pictures of themselves. 😄- 1
Joe 7 years agoNo your not too late. This is something I'm looking at doing. All, Is there anything you find that defines Pjuu? E.g. Are you precious about the green?... Gonna do some design stuff and move over to Bootstrap I think so it's easier to change things in the future.
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Lnxw37 7 years agoPjuu app on my Android phone about 90%. Palemoon browser on my Mageia Linux laptop about 10%.
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Johnnynull 7 years agoLighting browser on my cheap-ass Android phone, effectively 100% of the time.
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