Joe 5 years ago
Hi all. iOtter our iOS app has not had any love for a long, long time. It is not in use by many people. It costs us roughly £80 a year to keep it listed. This post is just to give advance warning that from next month we will NOT be continuing with the Apple Developer Program. The app is just a wrapper around the website, you can get the same functionality by bookmarking Sorry if this is inconvenient for anyone. We will revisit our iOS story further down the line. Thanks.
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  • Gespenstr 5 years ago
    Seems understandable from what I read. Though I cannot speak much as I am an Android user, ans stumbled on this program from F-droid.
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  • Kevinmc 5 years ago
    I too use android and found the app on F-droid.
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  • Joe 5 years ago
    You're not alone. Android and F-Droid in particular is our largest platform.
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