Joe 7 years ago
Sorry about that folks. It would appear Pjuu went offline for a couple hours today. The main problem is that SystemD couldn't restart it due to a permissions error. The service needs to write a pid file to `/run/pjuu` this folder did not exist due to a system restart on Digital Ocean. This shouldn't happen again as the folder is now created and permissions set through SystemD itself on start. We didn't get an alert through Nagios. I will sort that out. Sorry again.
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  • Joe 7 years ago
    Yea you mean upstart which is used in Ubuntu before the current one. Ubuntu now uses systemd as far as I know. I never liked upstart. It was easier to use Sysvinit
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  • Pietlu 7 years ago
    My manjaro is using systemd, too and for university purpose, had to get in touch with. Others were using Ubuntu with another program. I must say, with systemd it was a little easier to do the job than with the program of Ubuntu.
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  • Sigg3 7 years ago
    systemd is the future. People might not like it, but developer adoption is huge. I have no problem with systemd when I come across it, and I use Slackware as my main OS.
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  • Joe 7 years ago
    It looks like I'm the only person in the world who loves systemd. I can't understand the issue with it.
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  • Bandie 7 years ago
    systemd is shit. :)
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  • Sigg3 7 years ago
    LOL :)
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  • Joe 7 years ago
    @maxxcan it was my fault TBH. I personally really like systemd what it can do is amazing.
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  • Maxxcan 7 years ago
    Don't worry. SystemD is special
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