Kevinmc 5 years ago
I recently moved, had to wait 3 weeks to get internet connected. Finally got internet on Fri Aug 10. I have been on the internet since non stop. My modem is misshaped and the router is smoking! I don'
t even know what day it is!
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  • Sarah 5 years ago
    Feel your pain @kevinmc when me and Joe moved to our new home, it took nearly 50 DAYS to get connected l...@Joe nearly died!!😂😂😂
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  • Kevinmc 5 years ago
    Feel my pain or not..,3 weeks sans internet from home....from home!!!!! Lol my pain is farther than any mortal bare!!!!!! lol
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  • Kevinmc 5 years ago
    @sarah how did you survive? 50days! I at least had the local library.
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  • Sarah 5 years ago
    Oh, we had nothing, even our phones wouldn't work on data. It was like turning back time!😂😂
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  • Joe 5 years ago
    I don't like to talk about those dark days 😂
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