Meldrian 8 years ago
Well, what does #pjuu think? Is Putin a threat to the world? Or is it the US and EU overreacting a lot to keep an old enemy alive? Maybe you've a third opinion I did not mention here? Tell me, Iam interested.
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  • Handymark 8 years ago
    I read about that Putin tryd to clean up the russian olygarchy system. Stop corruption and many things else, ehat eould russia today without that plan? HM dont know, maybe bettery maybe not. I know many imigrants habe problems in russia, gay and lesbian people,too.
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  • Mukt 8 years ago
    Wait a minute!
    After murder of Russian ambassdor to Turkey, American media (and EU) is saying that Russia is a threat to the world?
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  • Dirk 8 years ago
    Putin is a dictator who needs to be stopped. But the problem is: he is the best option Russians have right now. Legally (by vote) or illegally (by murdering him and call it "freedom mission") removing him right now could cause more harm than it will bring any good.
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  • Joe 8 years ago
    I'm not 100% sure. It does feel a little bit "over the top" the coverage of it. I think people are angry about things in the world and Russia being an ex-enemy(?) they've chose to use him as somebody to point the finger at.
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