Mnemonixs 7 years ago
Just saw a baby with pierced ears. We're talking 18 months old here.. 😠
Tell me how that's reasonable
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  • Joe 7 years ago
    Woooooow! This esculated fast... Don't know if I'm speaking for the rest of the Europeans but it is looked down on over here. I know that is what @Mnemonixs is getting at. Doesn't mean it isn't acceptable elsewhere in the world, I know it's big practice in India, and Africa and I'm guessing it is done in the US also??
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  • Johnnynull 7 years ago
    You are clinically retarded. Seek help.
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  • Stolensoul 7 years ago
    So if I want to rape and kill kids, I can as long as they are mine? Since it's called "being a parent".
    And earring piercing is still piercing holes on a body. It's not something you can remove so easily.
    What you call melodramatic, I call it basic respect of others. Everybody has his own point of view I guess.
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  • Johnnynull 7 years ago
    1) You *can*. It's called "being a parent."
    2) It's earring piercing. Not a tattoo.
    So melodramatic.
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  • Stolensoul 7 years ago
    The issue is that parents think they can do whatever they want with their kids.
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  • Johnnynull 7 years ago
    It's pretty common. What's the issue?
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  • Sarah 7 years ago
    It's not, I find it weird..
    at best!
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