Mukt 8 years ago
#BBC admits its viral "women write better code" story was #fakenews.

While #feminists and #Muslims probably don't worry about it, many like the voat user here are quite caustic:

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  • Johnnynull 8 years ago
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  • Joe 8 years ago
    Wow. how did that turn into such a racist debate on Voat?.. I would have guessed this was bull from the get go. I hate these coding things. It's a very hard thing to quantify how good someone is at coding and a quick scan of the article I don't PRs give much insight. Data mining and big data can pretty much give you any outcome you want.
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  • Johnnynull 8 years ago
    What is more interesting is if there will be any real blow-back. Since, you know, only conservatives are twisted enough to put out "fake news".
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  • Johnnynull 8 years ago
    (not sure what Muslims have to do with this, I'd have said SJWs)

    Unfortunately in this day and age of third wave feminism, these Women Do this Better than Men are almost always exaggerations or outright lies. This does nothing but harm all sides in these sex/gender "debates".
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