Rgalex 7 years ago
I've read some stuff about #Pjuu, #PostgreSQL and #MongoDB, and I remembered something.

What do you people think about this tool? I don't know how it really works or whats exactly seems, but is like a wrapper around PostgreSQL to give functionality of MongoDB
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  • Joe 7 years ago
    There are loads of projects that try to mix SQL and NoSQL. They're all interesting. I think the answer for Pjuu is both but obviously that has costs. I don't know when I'm actually going to get the time to change over. The switch is either direction is tough 😀

    Postgres also has a native feature called JSONB which can give us NoSQL on top
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  • Handymark 7 years ago
    Why dont use SQL solutions?
    Safety reasons? Or because of that question: it is possible without SQL?
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  • Rgalex 7 years ago
    What I found interesting was the fact of merging the two (MongoDB front and PostgreSQl in back), and also giving access for direct SQL. But in fact, is true what @Handymark says: why don't use SQL only?
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  • Joe 7 years ago
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