Shalimar 6 years ago
Can the Internet still be saved?
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  • Joe 6 years ago
    Centralization is an issue, I don't beleive it can be solved at the moment though. All the decentralized solutions are generally seeded by big players in the space. Until every one on the planet is able to host and run these systems then it's always going to be the case (I'm talking about social networks here). The rest of the stuff happens in real life so I can't see how we would stop it happening on the Internet. Specificallt trolls, stopping them requires centralization.
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  • Stolensoul 6 years ago
    Internet is a world, and a young one. It is currently at a point that could be considered as the medieval times, where people like hitting each other to see who's stronger. Things will change, and whether the change is good or not depends on the efforts people put into the internet.
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  • Shalimar 6 years ago
    Shit storms
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  • Shalimar 6 years ago
    Oh I forgot hater, trolls, fake news, mobbing,...
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  • Shalimar 6 years ago
    Another point of the question is of course centralization, censorship, kill switch, commercialization,...
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  • Joe 6 years ago
    @shalimar ad blockers do a good job of the first. The others have been around since before the world wide web and have plagued the internet for 30+ years. When you say can it still be saved, has it ever shown any sign of being a place that is capable of being safe?
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  • Stolensoul 6 years ago
    There are three possible ways. First, things stay this way, and we fall into a dystopian world.
    Second, governments, companies, etc... realize their mistakes, and go into the good way.
    Last, they keep it the same way, but a parallel internet gets created and splits IT in two, official and open.
    Or, well, there is alsp the possibility of a nuclear war making people care about other things than the internet.
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  • Shalimar 6 years ago
    I think of all the advertisements, surveillance, Trojans, cyberwar,...
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  • Joe 6 years ago
    I think its subjective as to if it needs saving. The way I use the internet, I don't really know/see it being broken. For general users I appreciate it probably is broken. The general users are the ones who need to pioneer the change though. The tech savvy avoid the broken bits. Users need to vote with their time, that's the only way I can see it getting better.
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  • Stolensoul 6 years ago
    Yes. Will it be? Now that's not sure.
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