
  • Armatus 7 years ago
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  • Mukt 7 years ago
    No fault with believing any of the three, in itself.

    "War brings peace" is one of the central messages from Bhagwat Gita, the foremost holy book of Hindus. Yeah, the war must be ethically justified and all, but yes, war does bring peace, or at least it can.

    Drugs are pretty straightforward. No one in their right mind believes that our life expectancy would be anywhere near what it is without drugs.

    And lastly "debt brings wealth" is how business gets its funding and than repays it back.
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  • Joe 7 years ago
    TBF without medicine I would be a lot less healthy. So I don't agree with that one. The war one also only works if every single human agreed. As long as there is terrorism, civil war and genocide I do think war helps. So long as we only use it to stop those things ever happening. "Religion brings peace" would be more fitting for this poster.
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  • Stolensoul 7 years ago
    I don't think so many people see drugs bringing health. And if by drug you mean medicine, and imply it is no use/toxic... Well, I hope that's not the case.
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