Yxzi 2 years ago
Scarlet Runner beans
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  • Caxinguele 2 years ago
    I did not believe this was true. So, to find out, i had to do an image bang with Duckduckgo:

    !i Scarlet Runner beans

    This search query takes me to


    And there i see a looooot of more unreal beans. I wonder how their taste is...
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  • Caxinguele 2 years ago
    my big jpg was reduced to a png! ): It was an 8,8MiB png, and i reduced it to 2,5 MiB, with a jpg quality of 90%. Let's try the png, then...
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  • Caxinguele 2 years ago
    Bad pjuu!

    Here they are, the png and the jpg, in full size, respectively. The host site has ads, but i like its service. It is good, for what it provides, and i think it is fair that they try to gain a little. I even created a new gallery, in my account there, just to put things i post here in pjuu. A pop up window will open. But it did not insist to me, i ended up just closing it, after checking the two images. (...)

    jpg: https://imgbox.com/prpYgRxT

    png: https://imgbox.com/dDvM6bxq
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  • Caxinguele 2 years ago
    (...) And the pop up window only opened one time, although i opened two URLs, one for each image - the two i gave here. This is another good reason i like about imgbox.com . 😁👍🏾
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