Caxinguele 6 months ago(🇧🇷🇬🇧)
🇧🇷 Bom dia, galera. Escrevo aqui porque quero fazer meta discussões sobre o que a rede Pjuu é hoje, e sobre o que ela pode se tornar ou não. São várias ideias e perguntas. Joe @Joe, você pode ser chave. Primeiro: atualizar para 2024?
🇬🇧 Good morning, people. I write here because I want to make meta discussions about what Pjuu platform is today, and what it can become or not. Several ideas and questions exist. Joe @Joe, you may be key. First: update to 2024?- 4
Caxinguele 1 year agoI was trying to post (last public one you see) using only the keyboard... and I received "Post has been removed" after I supposedly sent my text. But why should my text have been deleted? I found it strange and tried again, I think there is no reason to this (and in fact, there is not, the post was made, with the exact same text that supposedly caused the error). But @Joe's Christmas post is not shown here anymore! What just happened to it?? 🤔🤨 I should have no way to delete anyone else post.
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Caxinguele 1 year agoIn my settings, I use empty lines to make separate paragraphs for my description. These paragraph are essential. They exist here, in our posts, for example. And they existed in the profiles too, although i do not have a clear memory of that - but a good guess, given the content I have there, since a long time ago.
Test: this is a new paragraph with an empty line separating it from the previous one.
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Caxinguele 2 years ago(🇬🇧🇧🇷)
🇧🇷 Poxa, pessoal... aqui tem andado tão silencioso! Está acontecendo algo ruim? Ninguém fala nada.
🇬🇧 Well, people... here has been so silent, lately! Is there something bad happening? Nobody says anything.- 2
Caxinguele 2 years ago
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Caxinguele 3 years ago(🇧🇷🇬🇧)
🇧🇷 Oi, Joe. Tudo bem? Para que serve o botão "trust", na página do perfil de algumas pessoas, mas não de todas?
🇬🇧 Hi, Joe. Everything nice? What the button "trust" does, in the profile page of some people, but not for all of them?- 2
Caxinguele 3 years ago(🇧🇷🇬🇧)
🇧🇷 Uma cantora maravilhosa, que sempre me faz dar sorrisos e sentir muita coisa boa, mesmo ao rever ou reouvir o que tenho dela. Esta apresentação é nova, foi feita durante a pandemia que estamos.
🇬🇧 A wonderful singer, that always make me smile and feel a lot of good things, even when i review or reread what i have of her. New video, made during pandemic.- 2
Caxinguele 3 years ago@joe , the site certificate expired. I am using an alternative browser with a bad security setting to send this message. Can it be fixed to what it was before? I want to use the other browser to access my account.
@joe, o certificado da página expirou. Estou usando um navegador alternativo com uma configuração de segurança ruim. Pode voltar ao que era antes? Quero usar o outro navegador para acessar minha conta.- 2
Caxinguele 3 years agoMy alerts are gone! Is there a limit of time for alerts being shown, and after this time, they disappear?
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Caxinguele 3 years ago🇧🇷 Estou 3 dias atrasada, mas o pessoal aqui pode gostar de uma foto nova...
🇬🇧 I am 3 days late, but people here may like a new photo... 4
Caxinguele 3 years ago#pjuu #pjuuFeature
🇬🇧 What should we do, when we have a post to be made that is bigger than 500 symbols? How should we split them, and link them to each other, in a simple, practical and intuitive way, if possible?
🇧🇷 O que podemos fazer, quando nós temos uma mensagem a enviar que é maior que 500 símbolos? Como devemos dividi-los e conectá-los entre si, de uma maneira simples, prática e intuitiva?- 5
Caxinguele 3 years agoE se eu já não posso sair por aí
Vou amar, vou lutar, resistir
Eu devia pensar mais em mim
No que importa e me faz mais feliz
Mas aquilo me faz mais feliz- 0
Caxinguele 3 years agoI wrote my profile information in 2 paragraphs separated by an empty line. Why i am seeing them together, now, in the header of my feed?
Another thing. I would like to know if you see the unicode characters i wrote in it. A letter "e" with acute accent, alone. And the last letter of my name is an "e" with circumflex. It appears two times, since i wrote the same sentence in two languages. I used the unicode character of the countries' flag before each sentence. Do you see them? (?) Like below:- 0
Caxinguele 3 years agoWhy not supporting some text formatting in our posts? Markdown language, at least, would be great. But just do it keeping one very important feature you have now: the site works in a fairly old browser i still use: Firefox 52 (if the formatting feature exists, but i am not seeing it for my browser being lost with it, hopefully this can be changed?).
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