Joe 8 years agoFYI we are adding background processing to Pjuu. It won't change the site but will make certain actions quicker, especially ones which require pushing information around (posting, send e-mails, etc...). It will also help when our mail provider is having issues or on the off occasion we come under heavy load. I will be doing this work from now until it's finished. There should be no issues, but if there is I apologise upfront. Will post when it's complete.
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Joe 8 years agoA few issues with updating some libraries, and an issue with how error pages were shown which has also have fixed. A new version of the Android app, with the new Otter logo should be making its way out to you all, I'll keep an eye on f-droid to check it goes out correctly. If you like the app a review on app store would be really helpful 😀
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Joe 8 years agoApologies for Pjuu going offline. I regularly update the Python requirements, run the unit tests and all is okay. Today an update the one of the requirements stopped you being able post/reply, it didn't however get picked up in the tests which is strange as 100% of the code is covered. The change has been reverted. I am still investigating the cause of the issue and it will be updated soon.
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Joe 8 years agoWoof woof... Hope you had a good Christmas... We're tired and had to many treats #PipAndMol
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