Joe 4 years ago
Hello everyone! Been bust with work these last few weeks. In my spare time been working on the rework of Pjuu, probably won't go anywhere, but it's a good thought experiment.
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  • Joe 4 years ago
    Also comments on public posts are themselves public, so should be no issues there. Would like to hear your opinion though.
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  • Joe 4 years ago
    @sigg3 I think it will ultimatley just be a clean up of the UI with a few more modern features. I tried my hardest to keep Javascript to a minimum but I think some extra sprinklings would go a long way... I've gone through this thought process a lot of times and it does not all ways come to anything.

    @Felixp7 That is not a bad idea. I also agree with @sigg3, if you have marked it as "Public" it can been seen by people who are not logged in to Pjuu anyway...
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  • Sigg3 4 years ago
    @felixp7 it's not a conflict with Pjuu's privacy focus IMO. Privacy of information is a Boolean, if it's available as HTML, it's there for the taking. Making an rss feed of it doesn't changes its privacy preference.
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  • Sigg3 4 years ago
    What's the idea?
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