Regular Ural man, debate player and professional historian, kinda know some languages and learn just for fun. Like humanities, long conversations, different music, adult swim animation and books


  • G1ver 11 months ago
    Friends, all hi! I have such a question: on work it is necessary to buy laptops for students of IT specialties. While there is a good offer to buy a bunch of MacBooks, but I'm not particularly knowledgeable in the field of application development for android, are MacBooks suitable for such work? What are the pros and cons? I know it's a different OS, but I don't know how important that is for development
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  • G1ver 1 year ago
    Also congrats with all the winter holidays that had passed and about to pass)
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  • G1ver 1 year ago
    Long time no see, Pjuu, after a lot of stuff happend
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  • G1ver 2 years ago
    @Jdutfrrf Ты нейросеть что ли тестишь?
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  • G1ver 2 years ago
    Long time no see, Pjuu, I hope y'all had a beautiful Xmas and new year
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  • G1ver 2 years ago
    Guys, does anybody know how to create twitter account without using a phone number?
    I know that while creating you can type e-mail insted, but after creating an account twitter says that phone must to be typed, I know that it doesn't happend every time and still do not understand when it is works without phone
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  • G1ver 2 years ago
    And about the permission, is the one I've chosen in settings goes with all mu posts, or I also have to choose it from the bottom bar when writing a post? May be @joe could help me;)
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