I am Joe, a programmer, sys admin, skeptic, geek and arsehole. The former being the most relevant. I am also the creator of Pjuu :)
Cumbria, England


  • Joe 2 years ago
    Happy #FridYay everyone :)
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Happy #FridYaY everyone
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Sorry about the certificate issue everyone. After moving to LetsEncrypt I forgot to set something to automatically restart Nginx once the certificate renews. I should get this sorted for next time.
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Unfortunately, today my little dog Pip passed away during routine surgery. Me and @sarah are both devastated. RIP Little Pip.
  • Joe 3 years ago
    Happy #FridYAY. Anyone have anything nice planned?
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Well, I now have a nice 4 day weekend ahead looking forward to it. Happy #Thursyay everyone
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    YouTube have an interesting idea round dislike:
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    I know I go on about features a lot and I still haven't released any in a while... but... Is supporting ActivityPub (Fediverse) something people would be interested in? I did a proof of concept and it seemed to work fine, I could find myself on Mastodon.
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Happy #FridYAY everyone
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Happy #FridYAY everyone. Anyone got anything interesting planned?
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Hey everyone. If it's of any interest to you we've just released a new Docker image which now supports arm :)
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Sorry for the blip everyone. We have moved our TLS certificates over to Let's Encrypt. Unfortunately I messed up the configuration so we were down a bit longer than I expected.
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  • Joe 3 years ago
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Happy weekend everyone. How do you feel about replies to replies? and how would you feel if people could see you're replies to posts in their feed? (depending on permissions of course)
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Happy #FridYaY everyone
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Happy new year everyone. Hope you all have a better 2021 than 2020. With the Vaccines being distributed hopefully this is all a memory after the next few months 😀
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Hi all, having some problems getting round to it today, but I will be removing the recent spam
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Happy #FridYAY everyone!.. Spent the whole week since Tuesday keeping up to date on the US election. Wow it's a slow process
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Hope everyone in the states has managed to get out a vote today :D
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Feelers out again... All your suggestions are good and on the list... To those who don't speak English as a first language are you willing to help with UI translations if I give a list of strings?
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    Hey everyone happy #FridaYAY,. Would love to know your number one feature request.. except for dark mode that's on the radar.
  • Joe 3 years ago
    My bad everyone, sorry for the blip
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  • Joe 3 years ago
    US sanctions now affecting open source with Gitlab now enforcing them
  • Joe 3 years ago
    To everyone who is based far away from Amsterdam... I would love to hear any feedback as to loading times for Pjuu. We are now serving images from a CDN, will be interesting to see if it helps.
  • Joe 3 years ago
    We now have a new storage back end written :) a new CDN should be available soon (once we have moved all the images), the site should load a lot faster for those outside of Europe
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