A random person who finds goats, internet security, system administration and mechanics interesting. Blogging is also not my forte.
Michigan, USA


  • Sydney 6 years ago
    On Vacation this past week. What a beautiful sight in the morning.

    #photo #mornings #fresh

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  • Sydney 6 years ago
    And another one...

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  • Sydney 6 years ago
    Happy July 4th all of my fellow Americans!

    #Photo courtesy of me, my sister and some of her friends
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  • Sydney 6 years ago
    So here is an interesting one. What Linux Distro would I be able to install on a 1GB HDD, for just a web browser? Its a rather tight fit, and even a Debian minimal install won't fit.
  • Sydney 6 years ago
    Hmm, I think 2018 started almost two weeks ago ago... *blink*
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    A rather pretty photo a student took in my beginners photography class.
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Power went out last night for 6 hours. Its amazing and sad how dependent we are on Electricity.
    I would like to be less dependent on the "Grid", but milking 120 cows twice a day would be a bit difficult to do by hand, let alone cool the milk quickly.
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Compiling OpenWRT for a device takes *forever*. Who would think it takes 3 hours to compile a 3.5mb file. o_O
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Social Media feels like a never ending "Rat Race"...
    Everyone is trying to create a false cover for their life in hope of impressing their friends, and at the same time it takes away from their real life and real day-to-day friends.
    And all it leaves us with is nothing and a longing for more.

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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    This is quite a neat home "cloud" solution. Hopefully they live up to their claims. I wonder if it has a SSD or a HDD inside...

    I wish it were that easy to set stuff up manually. :P
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    And the never ending war between me and telemarketers continues...
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Not sure what #openmailbox was thinking...
    pushing a huge upgrade without giving anyone a clue it was going to happen or what the changes would be, taking days to finish it, still not finishing it, and allowing users to access it not properly working. No IMAP support on free plan, no email filters, JS overloaded site, no cheap plans, lack of user settings for things, no more Owncloud hosting...

    I'm probably forgetting things, but oh well, you get the idea. I want my email back!

    /end rant
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Just installed a Owncloud instance that is accessible from the WWW... kinda scared that i don't have it locked down properly because of how simple the install is. Its too simple... o_O
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    The moment i realize I suck at #hashtags
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Ah the sound of fireworks...
    #twodaystoindependence #america
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Wow, XMPP is pretty nice. Now i have to find someone else to talk to.
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Nothing like the classic Roller Coaster Tycoon. What fun. It actaully runs in a VM very nicely. #retro-ish
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    DNS propogation is taking a while today...
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Hmm, finally starting to get my brain around using Millis to trigger code in arduino... its really cool, but a bit dificult to get my brain around. Also realizing that the microcontroller cannot do more than one task at once. If its fading an LED, it cannot do anything else untill that LED has fully faded. Maybe its just my problem. :-p
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Nothing like a calm rain... ah the smells of spring.
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    Its quite amazing how IPV6 DNS configuration settings will update in seconds, where IPV4 takes hours if not days. Maybe its just me...
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    XKCD post of the day!
    Ok, well its rather old, but its my xkcd post of the day. :)
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    I don't think its possible to ever be done cleaning. Something always gets dirty when you clean...
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    My favorite xkcd post. :-)
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  • Sydney 7 years ago
    The countdown begins for Windows 7's life... 3 years to go. It has till January 14, 2020.
    That actually brings it quite close to when Debian Jessie reaches EOL. Interesting.
    Oh well, enough rambling.
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