Mukt 7 years agoThe biggest network of #surveillance is being erected in #India, even as I type this post. Its name is #Aadhar or #UID. Citizens of India give their retina scans and fingerprints, along with name, adress and details of bank accounts to the authority (the #UIDAI) when enrolling, along with bqnk details and tax info.
The UID is being made compulsory for cooking gas connection, booking online tickets of railways, getting a new SIM card, bank account, enrolling in a school, and god knows what...- 5
Mukt 7 years agoDoes anyone from Sweden confirm?
It is really sad if #Sweden is really becoming this place... they need rescue as much as Yazidis need it. 1
Mukt 8 years ago#BBC admits its viral "women write better code" story was #fakenews.
While #feminists and #Muslims probably don't worry about it, many like the voat user here are quite caustic:
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Mukt 8 years ago#NEWS,for the #OutOfTheLoop today.
1) #Trump is President-elect for USA. after a close election(but not as close as media made us believe all these months).
2) #Hillary lost voters across all demographics and races save one: young educated urban women.
3) In a swift and surprise move, India scrapped the two highest denomination notes starting today, to curb graft and counter counterfeits. Notes in circulation can be exchanged from banks till Dec 30.
4) Thank 1) & 3) for stock markets crash.- 3
Mukt 8 years agoWhenever I return to Pjuu I am reminded of #AtlasShrugged and how the first handers moved from the world and made for themselves... the way mainstream internet is going, it won't be an idle comparision quite soon. :-( 4
Mukt 8 years agoHow #Orwellian has American #media already become? 2
Mukt 8 years agoQuestion: Why should your TV or refrigerator be connected to internet?
Answer: The bigger the botnet, the better. 3
Mukt 8 years ago#Yahoo CEO directly responsible for leaks? She was with #Google before this.... how safe is Google? 3
Mukt 8 years agoThe legal framework for #Swiss #surveillance expands!
This will directly affect, among others, privacy services like #protonmail. 1
Mukt 8 years ago
#Apple and FBI have done a lot of drama together.- 2
Mukt 8 years ago#KimDotcom talking about court proceedings of his extradition case going on in NZR right now ( @KimDotcom on Twitter) :
US Counsel "Your Honor, law doesn't matter. Only US evidence matters. Fair hearing doesn't matter. Stamp here for extradition. NOW please."
Court proceedings are being livestreamed on Youtube.- 2
Mukt 8 years ago#SocialMedia giants tighten their grip on small content producers.
Excellent, thought-provoking, non-controversial article on why one should not rely on likes of #Facebook, #Youtube or #Twitter. 3
Mukt 8 years agoBut #Whatsapp encrypts its messages. Right? 2
Mukt 8 years agoMore dirt on #Google.
Turns out they meddled in #Brexit too, and came close to success. 2
Mukt 8 years ago#Google is directly engaged in #Clinton's campaign said #Assange of #Wikileaks. 2
Mukt 8 years ago#GhostMail and #GhostApp are closing down on 1st September. These are a Swiss encrypted mail and chat service.
They have recommended switching to #Protonmail.- 3
Mukt 8 years ago#Turkey treads the expected path after the failed coup (or whatever that was). What #AmnestyInternational and The Mirror have failed to mention is that Turkey has declared a 3 months emergency and *suspended human rights* so they are not answerable to International Courts. 1
Mukt 8 years ago#Wikileaks has leaked 23000 of #Clinton's emails marked confidential.
I am amazed how a #FBI top honcho says #Hilary did no wrong!
(Old story)
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